Har dere lyst til å være med i trekningen om et flott stempel?
Da kan dere gå inn her http://shary-theothersideofme.blogspot.com/2008/07/exciting-news.html og se den flotte bloggen til Shary. Hun er blitt DT for disse herlige stemplene fra Alota Stamps http://www.alotarubberstamps.com/ars/default.asp : )
Da kan dere gå inn her http://shary-theothersideofme.blogspot.com/2008/07/exciting-news.html og se den flotte bloggen til Shary. Hun er blitt DT for disse herlige stemplene fra Alota Stamps http://www.alotarubberstamps.com/ars/default.asp : )
Take a look at Shary's blogg and participate in the drawing of a wonderful stamp :)
Do you want to take a part in the drawing of one nice stamp?Then you can visit http://shary-theothersideofme.blogspot.com/2008/07/exciting-news.html and see the nice blogg of Shary. She is DT for this wonderful stamps from Alota Stamps http://www.alotarubberstamps.com/ars/default.asp
1 kommentar:
Thank you Sivic for the link and good luck!!! :0)
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