Her ble pyntepapiret laget på hvitt Nille papir. Jeg dabbet først broken china, distress direkte på papiret , og dro det utover med en våtserviett. Deretter stemplet jeg blomster med faded jeans, spiced marmelade og blader med peeled paint (distress puter). Deretter drodlet jeg med hvit og sort penn rundt blomster og blader, samt satte i noen maljer. Moro å lage sitt eget pyntepapir.
Own decoration paper
Here is the card for Louise's third competition on Rubberstamp forum. Here it will be created own decoration paper, it was not allowed to use bought decoration flowers or bought decoration paper. The card is also to be decorated with lace, at least 3 eyelets and have a text of atleast 2 lines some main motiv.
Here the decoration paper was made on white Nille sheet. I applied first broken china, distress directly on the paper, and spread it around with one wet napkin. Afterwards, i stamped flowers with faded jeans, spiced marmelate and leaves with peel paint (distress ink). After that i drew around them with white and black pen around the flowers and the leaves, adding some eylets at the same time. It was fun to make my own decoration paper.

Bakgrunnen på dette kortet er laget med Memories Mists margarita,orange juice og wheat grass (spruteflasker), sprutet på nille sitt skissepapir . Deretter brukte jeg sjablong for å lage motivet med memories grønn og color box chalk Aquamarine. Til slutt tegnet jeg med hvit penn rundt motivet.
The background on this card is made with Memories Mists margarite, orange juice and wheat grass (spraybottles), sprayed on Nille's sketch book .Afterwards, i used template for to make the motive with memories green and color box chalk Aquamarine. At the end i used white pen around the motives.

Syntes dette kortet hadde fint pyntepapir, men lite pynt, så etter konkurransen ( fikk ingen poeng , uffda....) ble det satt på litt ekstra pynt og glitter .
It seemed that the card had nice decoration paper, but too little decoration, so after the competition (didnt got any points, oh well..) i appled a bit more extra decoration and glitter.

2 kommentarer:
Den bakgrunnen du har laget på det blå kortet var nydelig. Utrolig flott ide å bruke tusj rundt farget stempeltrykk! Det ble rålekkert!
Takk skal du ha Anne Bente : )
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