Marianne har gitt meg disse to awardsene, tusen takk vennen !!
Dette er mine første priser, så dette var moro : )
Marianne have given me these two awards, thank you very much !!!It was my first rewards, so it was really alot of fun :)
Blogging Friends Forever awarden:
The rules of the award:1. Only 5 people allowed.
2. 4 have to be dedicated followers of your blog.
3. one has to be someone new or recently new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
4. you must link back to whoever gave you the award.Quite simple really it is a way of saying thank you to those who take time out for wonderful comments to boost your day.
Jeg vil gjerne gi denne awardsen videre til : Solveig, Marianne, Anne May ,Gunn Marit og Susan
Tusen takk for at dere finner veien inn i bloggen min, og legger igjen så mange koselige ord. Det setter jeg STOR pris på!
I would like to give this award futher to : Solveig, Marianne, Anne May ,Gunn Marit and Susan. Thank you so much for finding your way into my blogg, and for the nice words you wrote. I really apreciate it !

Marianne ga meg også denne vakre Wylde Woman Award . Tusen takk!!
Here are the rules:
1. You can give it to one or one hundred or any number inbetween - it's up to you. Make sure you link to their site in your post.
2. Link back to this blogsite; Women,Art,Life;Weaving it all together so she can go visit all these wonderful women.
Purpose of the Award: To send love and acknowledgement to women who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy.
Denne vil jeg gi til de samme fem. Solveig, Marianne, Anne May , Gunn Marit og Susan.
Dere fortjener den alle sammen : )
Marianne gave me also this beautiful Wylde Woman Award. Thank you !!!
This i will give to the same five people. Solveig, Marianne, Anne May ,Gunn Marit and Susan .
You all deserve it :)
4 kommentarer:
Congratulations on receiving the Wylde women award and thanks for passing it along! LOVE your cards! Especially the newest one. Gorgeous!
Tusen takk for awardene!!
Ha en fin dag!
Hei Siv Linda, takk så mye for awardene! Lekre kort du har laget i det siste også!
Thank you for the awards. I am honored.
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